Dear Aunty Sam,
I am married with a child but I have to beat away other ladies with a stick. What can I do to make the opposite sex less attracted to me?
Thanks,God's Gift to Women
Dear Gods Gift,
You're on the right track.
I mean, its normal to feel attractive to the opposite sex when you're in a relationship, blame it on your natural musk.
Women are like that at times, they like a challenge and will even resort to chasing after men who are already spoken for, as Dylan from 90210 once said "It's OK, I've been there" needless to say the only female friends I have now all have staples in their guts and hide in a box in my wardrobe. And on DVD in my undie drawer, and on the hard drive on the computer.
My only advice is to smile nod and go about your merry way and don't give in to temptation. Think of your child and his/her feelings if your wives feelings aren't enough to make you think twice about giving in to other women. You're most likely the only male role model for your child (until they get friends of their own and realise that parents aren't that cool anymore ) so I would suggest that choose your path wisely because whether they say they will or not your child will always follow at least some of your footsteps. They're constantly watching and learning so I'd be wise about your actions if you want your child to respect you.
If at all the above advice fails and you REALLY can't shake these women off, take them shoe shopping and use words like Gucci (pronounced GOOTCHIE like the bit of skin between......never mind) and Jimmy Chiu , they'll likely think you're gay.
Failing that still, if you can't beat them - wear a nice dress and join them.
Take cake
Aunty Sam
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